Workshops & Groups

I enjoy creating and delivering workshops; these tend either to blend experiential creative exploration and nature (combining artwork, movement, singing and story), or practical knowledge and skills for professionals and parents caring for young people with anxiety, developmental trauma, loss, etc.

I currently have nothing planned, but if you are interested in being kept up-to-date, please email me: or call me on 07729 773469. I look forward to hearing from you.

Recent events & groups

Here below is an overview of some of the workshops and trainings I have run recently. If you are interested in offering a similar workshop/training to a company, group or organisation you are involved in, please get in touch.

  • story-based workshops inviting participants to connect with their soul and creative truth
  • nature connection workshops for companies and professional bodies 
  • developmental trauma and attachment training for professional groups
  • supporting parents with anxious teens/tweens 
  • seasonal felting workshops
  • creative-expressive exploration of the season