Hi, I’m Lucinda. Thank you for visiting my website.
I offer therapeutic time and space in the woods for women who have a professional role caring for the needs of others and whose own needs have got lost along the way.
Are you a holistic or complementary therapist, social worker, healthcare or medical workers, foster carer/adoptive parents or teachers? If this is you, you may recognise the feeling that you have lost touch with who you are, don’t have time for yourself and perhaps wouldn’t know what to do, if you did…..
It is well known that we can only be of help and service to others if we have the energy and emotional resources for ourselves first. And those who give so much of themselves to others doubly deserve to thrive in areas of their life beyond their job. Having regular time and space to explore and reflect on who you are and what motivates you is not only a kindness to yourself, it can also be the first step to achieving a better work-life balance and greater wellbeing. The self-knowledge and insights you discover will help develop your personal sense of direction and and your capacity to make decisions that benefit you as well as the people you work with so that you are better able to manage the many roles you hold in your life.
Hearts and Minds
As a creative arts therapist, I invite you to explore who you are and who you want to be by responding through your senses to the natural environment around you. The work may be non-verbal as well as verbal for a holistic experience that allows your heart and body to speak as well as your thinking, talking mind. Our thinking brains often hold a certain narrative about who we are and what we can and can’t change; when we pay attention to what our heart and body have to tell us, we usually discover new insights into how we think and feel, and meet the world. Working in this way will allow you to connect or re-connect with parts of yourself that may have got lost over time as well as discover parts that you may never have had an opportunity to know.
Naturally healing
My therapy space is the outdoors – in Views Wood and other natural spaces in Uckfield and more widely in East Sussex. Nature is a system in harmony with itself and offers a restorative environment where you can discover how to regain your own balance and sense of fulfilment, as well as be available to others.
My approach
I believe that:
– each of us has the power and wisdom within to heal ourself;
– there are times in all our lives when we can benefit from some external guidance and support;
– therapy works best when clients experience a warm, attentive therapist that gives them the time, space and agency they need to make the changes they want;
– working holistically in nature offers a powerful and non-threatening way for clients to discover more about themselves, make changes and find parts of themselves that they really like and wish to honour.
Connection, curiosity and compassion lie at the heart of who I am as a therapist, clinical supervisor and human being and I invite you to find out more using the links below:
Individual therapy
If you click here, you will find out more about how I support clients to have greater energy, personal and professional fulfilment, and emotional balance in all areas of their life.
Clinical Supervision and Reflective Practice
I offer clinical supervision (for therapists and counsellors) and reflective practice for those in a caring role (both individual and groups). For more information, please click here.
Workshops and groups
I run creative workshops and groups and more information can be found here.
Why outdoor therapy?
If you click here, you will find out more about my approach and why I choose to work outdoors.
If you click here, you will read a bit more background information about me.
I hope you find something here on my website that helps you and I look forward to hearing from you.