Welcome and Introduction

Hi, I’m Lucinda. Thank you for visiting my website.

I’m an arts psychotherapist who works with survivors of boarding schools and academic hothouses. Many of the conditions and practices of these educational institutions have improved for the better over recent decades. However, there are still many young people that emerge from these institutions with survival strategies and beliefs about themselves and the world that impact on their capacity to lead positive and fulfilled lives in adulthood. Difficulties include struggles to build positive relationships including as a parent, perfectionism and at the same time feeling a failure, bullying issues, struggles to relax and wind down, addictive behaviours and sleep problems.

I provide a safe, caring and non-judgemental space for my clients to explore the beliefs, emotions  and behaviours that prevent them from leading a life that feels positive, fulfilled and emotionally balanced. I work mainly in private woodland in East Sussex – an intrinsically healing environment which allows for expression and deep self-exploration using the materials and dynamics to be found in nature.

As well as individual therapy, I offer clinical supervision/reflective practice for therapists and professionals and regularly run groups and workshops.

Individual Therapy  

If you know you are a survivor of a boarding school or academic hothouse and recognise that you are struggling with a feeling of ‘dis-ease’, difficulties in relationships, sleep problems (struggling to fall or stay asleep), perfectionism, deep sadness or agitation, addictive behaviours, and/or emotional shutdown and trust issues, I may be able to help you. Perhaps you have come across my website, recognise the symptoms you are struggling with and are considering whether they might emanate from your own experiences of being educated. Please don’t suffer alone, click here to find out more.

Clinical Supervision/Reflective Practice

I work with trainee and qualified therapists and counsellors who are looking for clinical supervision that is supportive, relational and at the same time challenging. I welcome supervisees who work outdoors and/or creatively and are looking for a supervisor with expertise in one or both areas. My clinical expertise covers developmental trauma, attachment issues, loss, grief, anxiety and depression, and working with adopted and looked after young people and their families. Click here to find out more.

I also work with professionals (e.g. school staff member, healthcare worker, social worker) who are seeking a regular space to reflect on their role as carer/educator/service provider and wishing to explore relationship dynamics, and how the impacts of past and current life experiences, cultural and organisational issues influence the thoughts, feelings and  behaviours of the children/adults in their care.  Click here to find out more.

Workshops & Groups

I currently run an outdoor supervision group for therapists and counsellors in Selmeston, near Eastbourne, and I regularly run wellbeing workshops and groups with a strong focus on a deep connection with self, others and the natural world we are a part of. Click here to find out more about the groups and workshops I am running currently or in the future.

Nature As A Model And A Mirror – The Importance of Nature in My Work

You don’t need research to tell you that being out in nature is intrinsically good for you – a long walk or even a short, brisk walk can blow the cobwebs of everyday life away allowing you to come back feeling refreshed. Interacting more proactively with nature and developing a deeper relationship with it can bring deep relief, release and healing. Click here to read more about my own relationship with nature and here to read why I think nature is so important for our mental health and well-being.

I hope you find something here on my website that helps you and I look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted on mob: 07729 773469 or email: lucinda@lucindaweis.com